Happy New Year!  Hope you have a great start to the year.  2019 promises to be a busy renovating year, so I like to start with planning my strategies to get through everything I want to do throughout the year. I aim to get better organised so that I can focus on renovation projects, as well as reach some of my other goals (finish my novel) and start some new ones (learn a language).

Three easy tips for setting your New Year Resolutions.

You know the most comforting thought when putting together my resolutions?  I didn’t invent it but learnt it from one of the Quit Smoking campaigns. “Every time you try to quit smoking, you get closer to quitting permanently  — Never give up on giving-up”.  If you believe that each attempt to give up a bad habit (or to start a good one) gets you closer to your goal, you are more likely to achieve it.  This is true whether you are attempting to give up smoking, lose weight or start a new career.

Write out your list or print it out and keep your goals where you can visually see them every day.  I like to have a calendar on my fridge with goals clearly stated for each month.  I have short term and longer term goals and tick off each day so I can see how much closer I am to achieving my dream.  It is handy to have photo of what you are aiming for alongside your calendar —  Visualisation is a powerful tool.

It is hard to do it alone.  These days you can find plenty of online support groups, Facebook Groups, local groups and organisations etc  If your goal is simple, find a buddy/friend or mentor who would be prepared to send you text messages to remind you of your goals and you can do the same for them.

  1.  each time you attempt to reach your goal, you are one step closer
  2.  plan: keep a goal diary, online or on your calendar.  Stay focussed
  3.  find a mentor or join a support group

Follow Cherie Barber’s Renovating for Profit -Facebook Group for renovation inspiration and support.

One other thing I like to do and that is to create slogans to help me.  I print them out and place them in strategic places.  Don’t get me wrong, none of these tips are full proof but all help to get me closer to my goal!    Your mentors will inspire you and keep you active, but it’s up to you to keep yourself healthy and stay positive so that you can make good use of your time.  Finding positive quotes and reading motivational books will help you stay strong but only you can do the hard work needed to achieve the goals – there are no short cuts!

My  motivational quote for 2019 is  ‘Do less and stay focussed.’  I have a tendency to be ‘Jill of all trades, master of none’.  If I focus on one task I can be successful but I am always distracted by other tasks.  This quote is linked to my goals for 2019 which I will share with you here:  Below are my 5 major goals for 2019.  I want to achieve them all by end of 2019, some in a couple of months and some will take the whole year.  They are not in priority order because they are all equally important but on my calendar I will stress some to be completed earlier than others.  Make sure your goals are all realistic and achievable.  My list now needs more detail e.g.  I will give my self one month to declutter my study, then next month the spare room, I will learn one new word a day etc etc, the ensuite will need quite a detailed plan, likewise the rooftop makeover.

  1. renovate my ensuite
  2. declutter my house
  3. complete a rooftop makeover
  4. learn a language
  5. finish my novel

Planning is always the first thing I do.  I am not intuitively good at organisation—I can do it when I make a plan, so I need to keep reminding myself of this.  When I plan, I am more organised and when I am organised, I find it easier to achieve my goals.  When I was working and involved in project management, I learnt that planning was 90% of the project and I find that it is the same in everyday life.  Everyone is different so create your list, think about your path, get motivated and start achieving your goals today!

Remember to set small achievable steps along the way and congratulate yourself with little treats as you progress along.  You need to make note of any backward steps but stay focussed on the forward steps.  It is true that most people lose interest in New Year resolutions by February,  but that is no reason to abandon them.  Take another look at your list, refine if necessary, take a deep breath and start again — remember, each time you attempt your goal, you are one step closer!

Here are some websites to help you on your way and to stay motivated.  Good Luck and send us your tips and comments below. My favourite motivation book for 2019 is ‘The One Thing’ by Gary Keller  – simple and easy to read and it makes sense for me.

Time Management Tips  27 tips by Toggl app

Keep Inspiring Me – lots of motivational quotes and books.

James Clear- Motivation

John Doerr (Ted Talk) Setting the right Goals

Marco Alvera (Ted Talk) – What makes business work better

Guy Winch (Ted Talk) – Valuing your emotional Health

Meditation Australia – not affiliated with any philosophy or organisation so a great resource for finding out more about meditation

Quit Now (smoking)  – Australian Government’s website

How to Budget – get your budget on track with these tools (Australian Government)

Learn a Language – Duolingo  it’s free and I know many people that successfully use this app on their phone

Walking for Health – there are plenty of ways to exercise but walking is the easiest and cheapest.  I recommend buying a cheap pedometer and get started today  KMart $3 Pedometer